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Seizure, Ataxia, Fatigue, Strabismus and Migraine Resolved by Precise Realignment of the First Cervical Vertebra

Objective: To analyze a case which appears to support chiropractic success in treating neurovascular symptoms through adjustment of the first cervical vertebrae.

Clinical Features: The patient was a 75 year old female presenting with gait ataxia, strabismus, fatigue, blood pressure fluctuations, seizures of two weeks duration, and history of concussion with similar symptoms. Previous medical diagnosis and care had been unrewarding.

Intervention and Outcomes: The patient presented to an Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic clinic where she was examined and her atlas vertebra adjusted per the SCALE method. The patient’s symptoms were quickly and painlessly reduced and/or resolved.

Conclusion: Results suggest that Atlas Orthogonal care may be responsible for the reduction and elimination of neurological symptoms in this patient. Removal of intracranial insufficiency due to chronic compression of the vertebral artery by misalignment of the first cervical vertebra is a possible explanation for the mechanism of management success. These results suggest that chiropractic care, specifically adjustment of the atlas vertebrae, may be a useful treatment for conditions with neurovascular symptomatology.

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