Specific Upper Cervical Chiropractic Management of a Patient with Parkinson’s Disease: A Case Report
Objective: The Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic management of a patient diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.
Clinical Features: A 77 year old man diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2003 with progressive hand tremors, festinating gait, akinesia, and incoordination.
Intervention and Outcome: Using Kale Upper Cervical Specific Protocol, x-ray, bilateral NeuroCaloGraph readings and neurological testing the patient was monitored and evaluated over a three and a half month period. The patient demonstrated significantly reduced trembling of his extremities and improved speed of ambulation with less exertion. Neurological findings and NeuroCaloGraph readings also improved significantly subsequent to adjusting the patient’s second cervical vertebra.
Conclusion: Upper Cervical Specific chiropractic care of a patient diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease over the course of three and a half months is presented. Marked resolution of the patient’s neurological signs and symptoms associated with Parkinson’s as well as a reduction in the presentation of upper cervical subluxation was obtained.