Local doctor publishes Parkinson’s study – The Summerville Journal Scene
Dr. Tron Malachowski, the clinical director of Lowcountry Specific Chiropractic has recently published a research paper on Parkinson’s disease, on the clinical management of the case utilizing Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic protocol.
“It’s really exciting to see how patients progress over time,” Dr. Malachowski states. “We have had the honor of watching patients ambulate easier, stand taller and shake less since beginning Specific Chiropractic care. This research paper touches on the management of the case, and key neurological markers changing from positive to negative including: short term memory recall, orientation, rhomberg’s and heel to toe walk.”
“All of our cases respond differently. Neurodegenerative conditions are devastating for families and all involved. It is our intention to look deep into the case, searching for potential causative factors including severe physical traumas and chemical insults. Some of my colleagues have researched the physical trauma aspect and after investigating further, I am beginning to lean that way as well,” Dr. Malachowski says.
Parkinson’s disease affects approximately one million people nationally, second to Alzheimers as the most prevalent neurodegenerative condition. Those afflicted with Parkinson’s disease often suffer from: tremors, trouble walking, cognition problems, getting from a seated to standing position and trouble with many other activities of daily living. It has been theorized that genetics, environmental factors and even head trauma may play a role in the disease. Scientists have found that dopamine secreting cells have been dramatically lowered in the disease, thus creating a less then satisfactory motor output.
Dr. Malachowski is currently working on another research paper that will outline three different Parkinson’s cases with three completely different backgrounds. The Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) was used as a quantitative analysis in all of the cases.
“I am certainly not going to reveal to you the results quite yet, but I will share the results have been quite promising”, says Dr. Malachowski.
Lowcountry Specific Chiropractic is located at 310B N Gum Street. For more information go to clinic@lowcountrychiro.com