We care. It's that simple.

Mission Statement

We are committed to being faithful servants to our community; educating them on health and the body’s capability to be a self healing organism.

We see each encounter as an opportunity to become better.

About Us

We are found in the heart of Historic Summerville SC. Our office is conveniently located 1.5 miles from Interstate 26 – just up the street from Oscar’s restaurant – and only 30 minutes from downtown Charleston SC.

We care. It’s that simple. We care about people. We care about what you are going through and what you have gone through to get where you are today. Our office strives to provide a calm, warm and inviting feel to help people feel at ease. Our staff is devoted to not only providing you an exceptional experience, but they are also devoted to providing you what you need. We see a lot of people whom are desperate for answers, whom need pain relief and want to increase their quality of life. Our office strives to provide answers for people who need them. 

A Word from Dr. Tron Malachowski

IMG 0456I see it as an honor and privilege to have the opportunity to write this because you are reading this message. I was put here on Earth to serve people. If given the chance, I would be honored to help serve you, your family or whomever needs some clarity, an answer, or feedback on what they are going through. Here is the story that provided clarity for my life’s purpose:

When I was 12 years old, I suffered a traumatic back injury, leaving me helpless. I could barely walk and could hardly move without excruciating back pain. Most people don’t realize how back pain effects you. Every single; solitary move you make involves the use of back muscles. I was wearing back braces to school, taking medication, and left on the sidelines from the sports that defined my life at the time. Spitting out toothpaste was a task in itself. I was upset, I was in pain, and I was scared because I couldn’t do anything without pain interrupting my very thoughts.

My aunt worked at a chiropractor’s office 45 minutes away. My single mother drove 45 minutes one way, everyday for 3 months, taking me to the chiropractor that literally changed my life. I slowly but surely, received the care that I needed. Soon I took off my back brace. Later, I was able to return to football and baseball, the sports I lived for. At the ages of 15 and 17, I reinjured my back playing football and basketball. Since I was 17, my back has never hurt me again.

I want you to know this because it was the visit to the Chiropractor which changed the course of my life. It was that visit that left such an impression on me, that I knew I wanted to help people the way I was helped. That the power of the body has the ability to heal; and when given the proper ingredients, our bodies will flourish if given the opportunity; this fateful path led me to wanting to help people, but now it goes far beyond wanting to help people. Many of the cases we see have something in common. They often come to me as the last stop on their “return to health” conquest. They have already spent thousands of dollars on medical interventions that returned little. They have been reduced to a quality of life that most cannot even begin to comprehend. These are the people I am after. These are the people that I want to shout out to from the top of a building and yell, “There’s hope! Your capacity to heal goes far beyond what others have led you to believe!” This is the reason why I do what I do.

So for me, my WHY is for you. I do this work not to get people out of pain. I do this work because you deserve quality of life. You deserve to spend time the way YOU want with your kids and spouse. You deserve the quality of life you dream about.

I do this so families can walk around downtown Charleston and not have to sit on a bench and be a bystander. I am here to get you back in the game of life. I also do this for the kids. My daughters Sofia and Selice have been given the most wonderful gift. They both have had the luxury of having me by their side since birth. They have been given the ultimate gift of having a properly functioning nerve system since they were born. You and your kids deserve that as well. That’s why I do what I do.

In His Service,

Dr. Tron Malachowski